Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Answers to Life’s Big Questions

Alvaro Bizziccari helps readers answer life’s big questions in his comprehensive book Dialogues with My God Self: Understanding the Law of Love

Everyone has asked the “big questions” about life, love, suffering, God, and existence at some point.  These are questions that can take years, or even a lifetime to answer, and many people are never able to find the answers that they seek.  Recognizing this, Alvaro Bizziccari shares the answers that he has found with readers of Dialogues with My God Self: Understanding the Law of Love.

Dialogues with My God Self is a comprehensive look into the heart and mind of a seeker of truth and his God Self. The 754-page text helps readers to gain insight into the questions that are the most important to them, taking them on an incredible journey of faith.

Some of the questions that readers can expect to find answers to include: What is the nature of God?  What is the origin of evil and the cause of suffering?  What is love?  What is God’s relation to the individual? Who am I? What is the purpose of my being here?

These are questions that everyone has struggled to answer at some point in their lives and, many times, have failed to find the answers that they are looking for.  Bizziccari answers these questions with clarity and enlightenment that he has gained as a result of years of philosophical study, travel, and meditation, presented in a dynamic format.  Uniquely presented as a series of conversations, readers will continue to turn page after page.

Bizziccari provides readers with the ultimate spiritual guidebook to refer to again and again.  Dialogues with My God Self is the kind of book that readers will find themselves highlighting, bookmarking, and writing notes in the margins of, making it easy for them to refer to their favorite passages whenever they need the help of Bizziccari’s guiding hand.

Alvaro Bizziccari

Alvaro Bizziccari received his Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Rome in Italy before moving to the United States. He is a professor emeritus of humanistic studies at the University of Connecticut. He is the author of several publications (in Italian), including a book on St. Theresa of Avila, and essays on Christian Mysticism from St. Augustine to St. Francis of Assisi, Dante, St. Catherine of Siena, and Michelangelo's poetry.

For more information, please visit


For media inquiries or to request a review copy (PDF only), please contact:

Marie Amadis

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