Monday, June 13, 2011

Twitter Tools for Authors - Twellow and Grader


Twellow, at, is another great way of finding people to interact with. People are categorized into different areas, and you can search for those with similar interests.  The main page shows you all the categories, which then have sub-categories. Click on a category and the list of people in that area are displayed.  You don't have to be registered with Twellow to be displayed, but at the time of writing this post, there were more than 30 million people showing on the site, so you will have plenty to choose from. By all means though, register yourself and set up a profile so others can find you.  When you click on a category, Twellow displays a list of people in that category and they are ordered by the number of followers they have. If you are already logged into Twitter via the web, you will be able to follow people directly from the screens where the profiles are displayed.


Grader is on Twitter as @grader and online at As you get going on Twitter, you can get “ranked” by Grader with a score out of 100. It is based on a secret algorithm so people can't trick the system.  Apart from that aspect of Grader, you can have a look at who the top Tweeple are in a particular area or even by topic using the search function.  When you use the search function, it will list the Tweeple by their score in descending order. For example, if you search for “gardening” on Grader, you will get a list of all the top 100 people interested in gardening on Twitter. You can see their “bio” from their Twitter account and if you click on their Grader score, it will take you to their Twitter account from where you can follow them. Naturally, you must already be logged in to Twitter yourself to follow anyone.

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1 comment:

  1. I like the grader tool because i can now grade my twitter uses.


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